Follow the fun adventures of our dizzy librarian.
What type of material does the members area contain? Who may join What will I receive for my $13.95 sign-up fee? Why don't new members get immediate access to all material? Does a new member get value for money? What is Verotel? How do I update my credit card details? How do I cancel my membership?
The site is made up of humorous "picture stories", featuring Miss Jones as its central character. It is not an "adult site". The members' area contains no sex, no violence, no bad language, no offence to anyone, no pornography, no crudity, lewdity or nudity. Its sole objective is to provide tasteful "pin-up" humour which seeks to capture elements of Jane of the Daily Mirror, Benny Hill, the "Carry On" movies, mid-20th century classic pinup cartoonists such as Frahm and Elvgren, and the high (and rather "wooden"!) ethical standards of the BBC circa the 1950s. There are no videos in the members area.
Adults over the age of 18 years (21 years in some countries) may join provided the laws of your country permit such membership. Access is governed by a strict age verification process. For details of our age verification process please click here.
New members will gain immediate access to 10 "Adventures", and at least 10 "Short Story" episodes. Each "Adventure" contains 100 annotated print-quality images and 10 "footnote" images of similar quality. Members will then receive two updates (one Adventure and one Short Story) every week for as long as their membership remains continuous. So by the end of their first 30-day membership period, they will have access to a minimum of 14 Adventures and 14 Short Stories - i.e. at least 1,680 images with associated story lines, but they can go on to accumulate many, many more.
It would be extremely unfair on long-term members if a new member were to gain immediate access to all the material which it has taken the long-term member many months to accumulate.
By the end of his first 30-day membership period, for a total cost of $13.95, a new member will have access to a minimum of 14 Adventures and 14 Short Stories - i.e. at least 1,680 images with associated story lines. Taking into account the quantity and quality of the material provided, I think most people would agree this represents excellent value in comparison with most other web sites.
Verotel is a highly secure, highly respected Internet billing company which handles all membership-related financial transactions, such as sign-ups and re-bills, on behalf of Your credit card information is in strict confidence between you and Verotel, as is any personal information which Verotel collects from you in order to verify your credit card information and thereby protect you against fraud.
IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT EVER DISCLOSE BANK OR CREDIT CARD DETAILS TO ANYONE WITHOUT CHECKING THAT THE SITE YOU ARE LOGGED ON TO IS SECURE AND IS GENUINE. Never divulge personal or bank information by email - the person requesting them is likely to be fraudster pretending to be either a bank or someone else that you trust.
Please email giving your username, BUT DO NOT INCLUDE ANY CREDIT CARD DETAILS. Miss Jones will send you a personalised link to Verotel's secure server where you can safely make the update.
When you signed up through Verotel, Verotel will have sent you and email entitled "Your Receipt". Please use your personalised cancellation link which you will find at the bottom of that email. If you no longer have that email or if you have any other problems, please email giving them your username.
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